EVA 2003 Moscow

The State Tretyakov Gallery
1-5 December 2003

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Evolutionary Direction of the School Reform

Semchuk Nikolay
The head of department of botany
Novgorod State University
Adress: 2201, ul.St.Petersburgskaya 41, Novgorod the Great, 173003, Russia
Fax: (816 22) 25005
E-mail: snn@novsu.ac.ru


Doctor Nikolai N. Semchuk, heard of the botany experimental laboratory NovSU
Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University
Address: Veliky Novgorod, B. Sankt-Petersburgskaiya street 41.
Tel. (816 22) 34598 доб. 37
Fax (816 22) 24110
E-mail: “snn”

Evolutionary Direction of the School Reform
Education, mark, health, examination, standard, reform, effect, motivation, development.
The article is above evolutionary direction of school reform to allow for contemporary social-economics situation. To make use of prepositional changes can give positive effect – to save the health of schoolchildren, their parents and teachers, to form the interest for study, to help to individual development and choice the future profession.
Ideas for proposals (except of marks system) is not new and using a long time. The essence of prepositional changes:
1. Alteration of structure education standard.
2. Application binary of mark system.
3. Change the status and form of exam.
The effect of synergism is the peculiarity of this project owing to combined using two action – alteration of structure education standard and application binary of mark system.
The standard need to divide on two parts – obligatory and creative. The fulfillment of obligatory part of standard is enough for mark 5,0. The fulfillment of creative part of standard must be evaluate in marks from 5,1 to 5,9. So, the excellent mark will have 10 gradation.

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