EVA 2001 Moscow
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts

The State Tretyakov Gallery
3 - 8 December 2001

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Information about product

CD-ROM «The Battle of Moscow»

Year of production: 2001


«The Battle of Moscow» multimedia disc is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of one of the most important battles of the Great Patriotic war, when for the first time the German fascist army was delivered a crushing blow, and the myth of its invincibility was destroyed. This is another chance to recollect those hard days and to pay tribute to the memory of that time generation.

Documentary materials reflecting every day from June 22, 1941 till April 30, 1942 were assumed as the basis of the multimedia disc.

You''ll see the reports of Soviet Information Bureau, as well as official documents, diaries, memoirs, letters, photos, newsreel of both belligerents, as well as maps of the operations.


Information Press-conference Programme and Papers Exhibition Catalogue Sponsors Photoalbum russian
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