EVA 2001 Moscow
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts

The State Tretyakov Gallery
3 - 8 December 2001

Information Press-conference Programme and Papers Exhibition Catalogue Sponsors Photoalbum russian

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Information about product

CD-ROM «The art alphabet of the magician Artigraph»



The product is designed for formation of initial skills of drawing at children of 5-10 years age. Its structure includes the graphic editor, media-textbook, containing extended course of an elementary school, complex of practical exersises on studying theme, art encyclopedia, specially developed children's ClipArt, games for rest and entertainment, entertaining and developing paint-books.

System requirements:

WINTEL-compatible computer, Celeron 300 processor, RAM - 32M, HDD 6Gb, 50x CD-ROM, sound system


Information Press-conference Programme and Papers Exhibition Catalogue Sponsors Photoalbum russian
  © Centre PIC, Moscow 2001. Hosting ArtInfo