EVA 2001 Moscow
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts

The State Tretyakov Gallery
3 - 8 December 2001

Information Press-conference Programme and Papers Exhibition Catalogue Sponsors Photoalbum russian

Centre PIC

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EVA Moscow 2000

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 Минкультуры России

 Минпромнауки России



Information about institution


Address: Maksimova st. 6, office 5, Moscow, 123098

Fax: (095) 196-6135

e-mail: e-Lena@neomega.ru

Internet: www.neomega.ru

Profile:The neomega design studio's nonprofit activities are working out and
realization of projects, that are directed to digital art's research,
development and systematization, as well as modernization of the «classical»
education and information layer.
It goes back to middle 90ґs.
Our acting projects are:

Project GALZA

It is an international best ASCII artists association, that presents
the rarest, archaic digital artґs branch. We create and research the
primary computer forms, that are being partly lost in a current stream of
machinery evolution. These are text art and protonet art.


This is an international cybernatic artist's association, that got its
development through the appearence of high-resolution graphics and
programs for its creation. It is the oldest computer art-gruop, which was
incarnated in the manner of website. www.acid.org

The State museum of oriental art (in process development)


Information Press-conference Programme and Papers Exhibition Catalogue Sponsors Photoalbum russian
  © Centre PIC, Moscow 2001. Hosting ArtInfo