EVA 2003 Москва

Государственная Третьяковская галерея
1-5 декабря 2003

Информация Программа и доклады Отзывы и публикации Каталог выставки Спонсоры English

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Features of storage of CDs-disks in conditions of libraries and archives

Tikhonova Irina
Scientific employee
St-Petersburg Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
Adress: 195186, St-Petersburg, Dvortzovaya nab.18
Fax: 812)-312-14-65
E-mail: big@spios.nw.ru

S. Dobrousina, Russian National Library


The problem of storage of CDs-disks for libraries and archives remains still actual. Despite of fast development of data carriers, occurrence of new technologies and materials, CDs-disks are used more and more for storage of digital collections, electronic documents, etc., constantly increasing funds of libraries and demanding there is more than attention.
Complex researches of durability of the information on optical disks are carried out in the Federal Center of Preservation of Library Forms at National Russian Library since 2001. In the chemical laboratory experimental works on revealing influence of temperature and relative humidity of air, ultra-violet radiations, mechanical influences on safety of the information of various kinds (the text, the schedule, video, multimedia), written down on CD are lead. Tested samples were exposed to mechanical tests on a number of parametersOn the basis of the lead experiments it is possible to speak firmly that the most negative factor influencing durability of the information on CDs-disks, the moisture is. Results are published in a number of clauses and submitted at conferences. Researches of influence of microorganisms are carried out in laboratory of microbiological researches on safety of CDs-disks, and also influence of the some disinfectantson their surface.

Информация Программа и доклады Отзывы и публикации Каталог выставки Спонсоры English
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