EVA 2003 Москва

Государственная Третьяковская галерея
1-5 декабря 2003

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 Британский Совет

The War Gallery of the Winter Palace: an example of «extreme programming»

Hookk Daria
Head of sector
The State Hermitage museum
Adress: 34, Dvortsovaya embarkment, 190000, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Fax: (812) 311-90-09
E-mail: hookk@hermitage.ru

G. Vilinbahov, the State Hermitage


The War gallery of the Winter palace is the excellent complete historical and artistic monument. The gallery always attracts attention of visitors of the State Hermitage museum. Numerous guidebooks and books, which are specially devoted to this memorial complex, cannot satisfy the information needs of multiple visitors of museum and people, who are interested in the history and culture of Russia. The new media-project is destined for help in fast finding the information both about the War gallery itself and about the persons represented on portraits. The basic principles of the program design and the methods of realization on the “extreme programming” technique are discussed. We show the program, which is real achievement in the field of databases development and new level of educational projects of the State Hermitage museum.

Информация Программа и доклады Отзывы и публикации Каталог выставки Спонсоры English
   © Центр ПИК Минкультуры России, Москва 2003. Хостинг АртИнфо