EVA 2003 Москва

Государственная Третьяковская галерея
1-5 декабря 2003

Информация Программа и доклады Отзывы и публикации Каталог выставки Спонсоры English

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The Information-Searching System ELBI

Ageyev Vladimir
The Moscow State university of printed media
Adress: 2a, Prianishnikova str., Moscow, Russia
Fax: (095) 207-10-22
E-mail: vlad_ag@newmail.ru


The experience of developing and operating the integrated hypertext (HT) information-searching system ELBI is discussed. The pecullaity of this system is the presence of intelligent support user instrumental tools which are used for creation bibliographical descriptions bibliographical cards), straight and invers citation indices as well as glossary.

As original source may be used the text files keeping in the local data base as well as files wich can be found in the Internet. Thanks to intelligent support instrumental tools by working with large nonstructured data set the user have a chance of making the conceptual scheme i.e. the conceptual model of subjects research. The user can easy change his point of view, fix different documents set on the scheme and set the association connections between them. It is powerful way to searching navigation.

For each of bibliographical cards two lists are automaticly formed: the first one contain list of documents wich are cited from given document, the second one contain list of documents wich cite given document. As result the hypertest net is formed wich include information elements set (primary documents) and auxiliary elements set: subjact classifier, name index, subjact index, bibliographical index and so on. Such HT-net organisation allow to solve

two basic tasks. The first one is connected with user support in the process of moving through information massif. The second – with obtaining data for ibliographical and scientific text processing.

Информация Программа и доклады Отзывы и публикации Каталог выставки Спонсоры English
   © Центр ПИК Минкультуры России, Москва 2003. Хостинг АртИнфо