EVA 2001 Moscow
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts

Государственная Третьяковская Галерея
3-8 декабря 2001

Информация Пресс-конференция Программа и доклады Каталог выставки Спонсоры Фотоальбом english

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 Минкультуры России

 Минпромнауки России



Role of information resources on Russian cultural diversity in preservation of a modern cultural heritage

Tihomirova  Svetlana
Non-profit partnership "Human and information Society "
E-mail: mschaab@phis.org.ru

Maria Shaab, vice-president


Growing role of information technologies in their optimization, increase of synergy of the applied efforts on the part of professional, scientific and public structures, humanitarian and technological communities has become the characteristic attribute of modern processes on cultural property and heritage preservation. Universal display of cultural diversity and increasing need for cultural and informational exchange, as the developing factor, have resulted in occurrence of the new participants forming the local cultural situations and tendencies. Ethnonational environment became an active force of the cultural process last decade not only in Russia where there live 172 peoples of various nationalities and ethnic groups representing five world civilizations and practically all religious confessions. Ethnicity factor has become the global display of the leaving century, shown unique forms of cultural self-organization, and the development of national traditions and cultural heritage, introducing new cultural and information technologies to the public. Creation processes of ethnocultural information resources that grow out as centralized actions (on the part of profile establishments), and various public and private initiatives are quite intensive in Russia. However we can not consider this process as a systematic or coordinated on undertaken efforts and expenses, especially as a satisfactory by the results of achieved goals. It is necessary to touch specific features of informational integration of ethnocultural communities, excluding the general technological and legal points of informational infrastructure development. Universality of presentation market is the doubtless attribute of the information product. Any local cultural group aspiring to get an access to this market has to deal with realization of its own specificity and of its correlation to the uniform cultural community. Modern cultural - information integration definitely puts ethnic communities before the necessity of the realization of its future in modern progress, acceptance of the point of view, that national development can not go on the way of ethnic self-idealization and isolation from national-cultural context of the world community. First of all, Internet – is a new sociocultural reality. Quality and value of information resources as cultural ethnic products, are defined in it not only as the technical side, but as a sense of the contents and conformity to its general polycultural principles: - harmonization of the universal and national as bases of a free cultural choice and spiritual development of the person; - orientation of national and ethnic development to achieve progressive world standards in culture and education, a modern way of life; - inclusion of global problems (ecological, first of all) in the sphere of ethnic development interests; - requirement to join the global cultural, information and democratic space; - informational openness and the need of access to the sources of knowledge; - increase of a sociocultural interaction of integration as the bases of economic, political and human development; - spiritual - semantic reflection of values in the aspect of elements of the new world and person culture. Ethnic communities’ initiatives of joining the information space are worthy of attention and support of all its participants. However today the need for the organization and development of the complex intercultural projects, new long-term organizational and informational programs in ethnocultural environment, capable to set the standards of modern development and to strengthen the effect of cultural heritage networks, grows considerably. Such information projects are capable to bring common cultural phenomena out of the local situation, to develop harmoniously on the basis of usual organizational infrastructures of ethnic communities, not being at odds with institualization, but to be an additional resource of development. One of the models of an intercultural project is the creation and development of Internet portal “Culture of peoples of Russia” as well as the number of other projects realized as the new forms of social partnership, integration of the general and regional cultural heritage resources, creation of the new opportunities to display all the aspects of Russian cultural diversity.

Информация Пресс-конференция Программа и доклады Каталог выставки Спонсоры Фотоальбом english
   © Центр ПИК Минкультуры России, Москва 2001. Хостинг АртИнфо